Learn With Finvestgo

Watch the video to learn about the Enzyme

Enzym is a smart platform based on the Ethereum network. This platform operates in a decentralized manner. The main purpose of this platform is to manage your capital in a non-custodial way.

Educational videos

In today’s world, knowing how to manage assets is one of the most important things that every person should know. Because the flood of free and non-free information about this and the many options that are available to everyone has made it difficult to choose and invest. We recommend that you use the educational videos prepared for you by the professors.

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More training tips in technical analysis

Follow Finvestgo’s weekly technical analysis. We predict the behavior of the chart in the financial markets through past data such as price and its changes, volume of transactions, etc. Markets such as foreign currencies (Forex), digital currency (Crypto Currency), stock exchange, gold and precious metals market, housing, etc.

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